Sunday, March 31, 2013

April Currently

I hope your Easter was filled with family, friends, love and laughter!!
(And yummy food, tasty treats, bunnies, eggs, and jellybeans!!)

Wow...April already!?!  

When I was a little girl,
I remember thinking that there must be something very wrong with adults.
It seemed like the adults in my life were always watching the news.
And if they weren't watching it...they were reading it.  
And getting their fingers covered in black newspaper ink.
(Remember when newspapers did that?!)
So now...whenever I watch the news, I feel very "adult-like".
But, now I wonder if my little boy thinks there must be something very wrong with ME!

I'm a Jesus-girl.
I love Him!!
I love Easter and the HOPE it brings to my heart.
I love being reminded that death has been defeated.
I love knowing with absolute certainty that sin will never have the final word.
And, I love the words of my pastor when asked if he
believes in the resurrection...
"I not only believe it...I'm counting on it!!"  
He is RISEN indeed!!

Thinking & Wanting
So, my dear sweet friend from my small-group at church invited me to Yoga.
I almost said no.
{Big Sigh}
Then, I said yes...reluctantly.
So, now that I've committed, I have to follow through.
Someone please tell me this will be a good thing!!
I really want to get back to feeling like the best version of myself.  
Life is too short and precious to spend even one more day
just wishing change would come.
Time to act.

Whew...having a house for sale is no fun at all.

I'm such a newbie!!
In other words, I'm completely under-qualified to offer advice.
But, I know I struggle with balance.
I love blogging & creating for TPT!!
But, I have so, so, so many other things going on in my life.
Bigger, more important, essential things.
Things that deserve a place of honor in my life.

Bible study
being a good wife & mother
taking care of my own wellness
graduate studies
"me time"

So friends, be kind to yourselves.
Blessings are found in balance.

I'm linking up!


  1. I totally agree with your advice Amy. If blogging and TpTing becomes a chore then you aren't doing it right! It should be fun and enjoyable. No one needs more stress! Good luck selling your house.

  2. Yoga is a lot of fun...You'll enjoy it!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  3. Wonderful advice :-)

    Yoga is awesome and VERY relaxing if you let yourself not worry about how ridiculous you may look or feel.

    And, I love that quote from your pastor. Indeed. Today was a good day in the house of the Lord!

    Closing the Gap... in a Cute Outfit!

  4. I love your advice! I love blogging as well, but I do have a life too! Thanks for sharing that! It's so important to remember! Have fun at yoga!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  5. I've only done yoga a few times but it is so fun and relaxing! I have to email you about our product swap!!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  6. Hi Amy, you definitely have the right perspective on life and blogging/TPT!

  7. Wow, wonderful advice. Balance has been a key word for me this year. It is so hard to not get too busy with too many good things. I find that if I don't spend time with the Lord in prayer and Bible study, I get burned out way too easily.

    Also, I totally feel like an adult when I watch the news too!

    God bless!

    Compassionate Teacher

  8. I love pretty much everything you said in this post :) Feel like I could have written it myself (minus selling a house). Good luck with your yoga class...and just think if you're anxious, yoga will help you calm down!

    Carolina Teacher

  9. Hey friend! I saw you in the TBTS forum...sorry I haven't stopped by sooner. You will love yoga...I go once a week to hot yoga and you will feel fabulous after!
    Good luck!
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten

  10. I have been dying to try yoga. I hope you love it!
    My Second Sense

  11. I enjoyed reading your post. I am trying to get my mind into gear and diet right now. Once I get that in control, I will add the workout.

    Balance is a very hard thing for me also! I lost site of that a few years ago when I was going back to school for my Master's. I can't get that time back, so I try to remember the lesson I learned.

    Best of luck selling your house. It IS stressful!

  12. I love your advice because I feel the same way. It's so fun to blog, read other blogs and create for Tpt. I need to make sure I keep up with the family and me time. Thanks for the reminder.
    Third Grade Galore

  13. You will love Yoga - it is my very favorite form of exercise. So glad I found your blog through Currently.


  14. Great advice. I'd love to hear how yoga went. My sister and I thinking of doing some kind of class this summer.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Klass
