Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Currently & "Featured" on TPT

I just popped over to the "official" Teachers Pay Teachers Pinterest Board 
and guess what I saw? (!!!)

Click the picture to pop over and check out the 10 Featured FREEBIES for March!!

I'm loving LOVE loving my new
Sight Word Snapshots Sentence-Writing Fluency mini-books!!
Have you checked them out yet?
The first one in the series is FREE.  :)

And, here's a brand new FREEBIE to celebrate!!  

Are you still celebrating Dr. Seuss and Read Across America?  
Last week, we had 2 snow days and Kindergarten Round-Up.
So, I postponed our celebration until this week.  
I created this beginning blends game for my literacy stations this week.
It turned out SO cute and I think my kids will go crazy for it!!  
What a fun way to practice a tricky skill!!  :) 
Click the picture to go grab your copy!

Anyhoo -- I love the month of March!!  My mind automatically shifts to thoughts of SPRING (even though we have 2 feet of snow on the ground.)  I'm ready for the sun to start shining around here!!

Listening:  We are trying VERY hard to be a more disciplined family.  So, we now create Family Plans...and stick to them...Every Single Week.  We're hoping to correct some of our bad habits before they are too deeply ingrained in Son-Shine.  However, we give ourselves an hour of "Free Choice Time" on Saturday when we can indulge a little.  This morning, Son-Shine is video-gaming it up during his hour!  So, I'm listening to the "piu-piu-zhoom" sound effects as I work on my Currently!

Loving:  I'm seriously having so much fun blogging and creating things for TPT.  My creative side has been squashed down for so many years and it's good to finally set it free!  :)

Thinking:  I absolutely love teaching and everything about being a teacher.  I'm living my childhood dream and I truly am so grateful for my life!  However, I sure do love Spring Break!!  Just 11 more school days!!

Wanting:  We have been so, so, so busy.  We get home in the evening, cook dinner, do the "Mom & Dad Show", do our own separate 'end of the day' routine, then fall into bed and crash out barely even aware of the other's presence!  So, I'm missing my a lot  We bicker less and are just generally happier people when we get to date each other!  I'm already working on a plan for next weekend.  You've just gotta prioritize your marriage sometimes, peeps.

Needing:  My classroom is a wreck.  It's shameful.  And, I want to start sharing classroom pictures with you all, but I've got to "get the house cleaned before company comes over!"  All those days when I was sick and subs were running my room REALLY took a toll.  I've got to get in there and clean, organize, and purge.  I replaced a teacher who retired and I was SO VERY LUCKY that she left a bunch of stuff for me.  But, now that I've got almost a year of kindy under my belt, I'm feeling better able to decide what to keep and how to organize it.

Like:  I found Honeycrisp Apples (our FAV) at the grocery store and I paid an arm & a leg for them because I just HAD to have them.

Love:  I'm loving Anthropologie right now...I have a wish list a mile long.  Sigh.

Hate:  Assessments.  'nuff said.

I'm linking up with Freebielicious, Sharing Kindergarten, and Oh' Boy, Fourth Grade!

Oh' boy fourth grade

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. No kidding with the assessments! I have a big pile of writing assessments waiting for me to grade them in my bag right now!


  2. I totally agree about needing to "Spring Clean" the classroom! I wish I had the time (or motivation!)


  3. So many of us are looking forward to Spring Break. We have four more weeks.

  4. Wow!! Congrats on being featured on TpT! That is huge. :) My mind is shifting toward spring, too. It can't come soon enough! I am tired of being stuck inside, dark afternoon, and snow. Ugh!

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  5. Congratulations on the freebie, being featured by TPT, how awesome is that!?!

    Teaching In Oz

  6. Congrats! That is super cool being featured!

  7. Congrats on being featured on TPT! That is super cool! Now I need to go out and get some honeycrisp apples!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  8. My first year teaching I also moved into a room that the former K teacher had left me SOOOO many things. I was torn between being grateful for the stuff and overwhelmed by all of the stuff and then eventually annoyed by all the stuff and actually began to think that she left it for me just so she wouldn't have to throw it out :) New teachers can't be too choosy but really. I hope you get your room in order.

    :) Nicole
    Tadpole Tidbits

  9. SO EXCITING! COngrats on being featured in the TpT board! I am feeling you on the sprin gcleaning in the classroom. I am currently on maternity leave, but when I went in a few weeks ago, I could tell my room needed some love!

    The Applicious Teacher

  10. Congrats on being featured this week!! And I'm SO with you on the "classroom is a wreck" thing. I would like to negotiate ONE day per quarter for Classroom Clean-up. :)

  11. Congrats on being featured on TpT!! That is so cool! My hubby LOVES honey crisp apples! Whenever they are in the store we are paying an arm and a leg for them too!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  12. Hi! I found your blog through the Blogs by State: Kansas. I'm your newest follower now :)

  13. Another great freeibe

    Thanks for sharing

    Loved your freebie in the newsletter

    I am your newest follower

    Pocket Full of Kinders

  14. Congrats! That is great news!

    I LOVE honeycrisp apples. They are my fave. Also hating assessments... feel like in the months of January and February, I assessed more than I taught!


  15. Just pinned you Whimsical Blends in Bloom. So cute and colorful. Kids will love it.

    The Fun Factory

  16. Woohoo! Congratulations on being featured. How exciting. :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  17. Congrats on being Featured in the latest TpT newsletter. Your freebie caught my I right away, I might add. There is never enough we can do with sight words or camera words! I'm so glad I found your blog and store
    Oh, How Pintearesting!

  18. Thank you so much for the subtraction freebie! Lovin it! I am your newest follower. Please check out my blog and follow me too!
    Mrs. Janelle Bush

  19. What an accomplishment! Congrats!!

    I had to laugh when I read your currently because Im feeling all those things! Especially wanting to share classroom photos!


  20. Congrats on being featured and getting 50 likes on FB!! I know the feeling when you reach a milestone like I reached 100 units sold 2 weeks ago and now sold another 50 in 2 weeks! It's amazing how networking helps.
    I love your blog and am a new follower!
    A Passion Driven Teacher

  21. Is it ridiculous that I actually like assessments? Giving them, evaluating the results... I'm pretty sure it makes me a complete nerd. I'm so excited to meet you next weekend at the meet up!

    Apples, Crayons, and Caffeine

  22. Woooo Hooo! Congratulations! Your Dr Seuss pack is adorable! So colourful!

    And I love the name of your blog!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  23. Congrats on being featured! I totally feel you on the assessment thing. It's report card time here and I feel like I've been doing more assessing than teaching...:(


  24. Congrats on being featured! I totally feel you on the assessment thing. It's report card time here and I feel like I've been doing more assessing than teaching...:(


  25. Thanks so much for sharing such a great freebie!! And congrats on being featured!! That..Is...Awesome!! :)

  26. Congrats on being featured!

    Thank you for donating to my upcoming giveaway! I am your newest follower!

    All Things Teachery

  27. How did I miss those sight word snapshot books! Those are adorable!!!


  28. تعتبر شركة العنود هي اكبر شركة تنظيف بالبخار بمكة حيث انها تقدم لعملائها كافة الخدمات المنزلية المتنوعة التي يحتاجها العملاء لتنظيف منازلهم
