Sunday, April 28, 2013

Happy GLUE Heaven!!

You might be a kindergarten teacher if... 
the mere mention of the word GLUE makes you twitch.

Save your Sanity with this Quick Fix!!

All you need is:
1 medium Sterilite basket
2 small drawer organizers

Easy Peasy...Lemon Elmer's Squeezy!!

I love this system!!
My sweet kinders absolutely LOVE keeping our glue "happy".

Here's a cutie-patootie little label for the front of your "Happy Glue" Basket!!
Just click the picture below to download a copy for yourself.  :)

And, now I want to know how YOU keep glue from threatening your sanity.
Tell me all about it!!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Five for Friday...on Saturday!

Whew...the weeks are FLYING by at warp speed!! 
I can't believe I have less than 4 weeks left in the school year. 

This was a very random are 5 highlights!

1.  Our annual "Celebration of Learning" was Thursday evening.  I had so much fun watching the kids take charge and tell their parents all about the things they had learned in Kindergarten!  They were SO proud to show-off their classroom and their work!!  

2.  We had an exciting week watching our caterpillars eat, grow, and turn into a chrysalis.  I'm excited to transfer all of these sweet babies into our butterfly tent...can't wait to see them EMERGE!!!

3.  Time is so limited in 1/2 day kindergarten!  But, we squeezed in some Earth Day learning, fun, and artwork!!  
The fabulous Kimberly Ann from Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten reviewed this product.
It was a HIT with her sweet kinder kids...check it out!!

4.  We kicked-off our weekend by watching Son-shine perform in our church's children's choir musical "Spend a While on the Nile".  Love this sweet baby rockin' his shades!!  

5.  I joined Instagram this week and I think it's going to be SO much fun!!  I love how quick and easy it is to share little snapshots of teaching and life!  If you Instagram - come follow me at "happyteacherheaven"!!  

I'm linking up with What the Teacher Wants -- come on over and find lots of awesome teachers to follow on Instagram!  I'm so excited for Tuesday!!  :)

And, now I'm off to the soccer complex for Son-shine's game...hope the rain holds off!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Magical Product Swap!

I'm so excited to participate in the Magical Product Swap for the first time!
And then I found out that I had been paired with the talented and creative
Kimberly Ann of Live, Laugh, I Love Kindergarten!

I was lucky to be able to go shopping in her store to pick out one of her FAB products to review for you.  We were just getting started on our insect theme, so I picked Kimberly Ann's "Buggy for Addition" math pack.  It has been such a fun way to review addition!  I always love it when my station activities all tie together with the same theme.  Sweet!!

Click the picture to find it on TPT!

This pack includes:

The cards are so bright and colorful!  
I love that there isn't "too much going on"...the kids can focus on what's important!
I got out some little plastic bug counters for my kinders who needed them.
But, Kimberly Ann also included some printable bug counters.
Isn't she the sweetest?!  

This adorable spring math center had everything I was looking for and more!!
If your kinders love bugs (and whose don't?!) 
and need to practice addition (and whose don't?!) -
then you should grab this product for your centers this week.
Thank you SO much, Kimberly Ann!  

Click on Kimberly Ann's button below to head over to her cutie-patootie blog!!
You can check out her review of my "Find Sprout" - a differentiated word sorting activity.
Just in time for Earth Day/Week!!  :)

Click the picture below to find it on TPT.
Grab both of my Earth Day literacy products ON SALE for 2 hours only!!
SALE ends at 10 pm (central time)!!

Be sure to check out Kimberly's awesome giveaway.
Ummmm...survival mode??  YEP!!  :)

Thanks for reading along!
Happy Earth Day!!  

Five for Friday and a FREEBIE!

It's time for...

1. You never realize how much you depend on something until it's gone.  Like my cell phone.  It's gone KAPUT...but I'm not eligible for a phone upgrade until June 1st.  {sigh} My phone did an automatic "update" about a month ago and it hasn't worked right ever since.  It only works when it's plugged into a charger...which basically renders it a landline.  I sure hope June 1st comes quick!!

2. Yesterday was a our District's annual "Spring Symposium" Professional Development day.  Teachers and instructional coaches from the district present sessions on various topics and you can pick which sessions to attend!  :)  I love "Choose your own Adventure" PD!!  I was able to attend sessions on Writing Workshop in Kinder, the "Language Experience Approach" for emergent readers, Poetry in Kindergarten, and "Coring Up" kindergarten curriculum.  Lots of new ideas!!  LOVE!!

3. I found out this week that I won't have my own classroom next year.  :(  We are adding another full-day kindergarten, so the AM teacher and I will share a room.  I'm trying to have a super-positive attitude about it.  She is AMAZING...I call her classroom "Kindergarten Wonderland".  I know I will learn soooo much from her!  So, we're putting our heads together and trying to figure out how to make it work.  Any of you ever had to share a room before?
I'm hoping we feel like this...
not this...

4.  I learned about the Book Creator app at our Symposium yesterday.  It makes me *wish* I had an iPad!!  If you have one, you should check it out!  

5.  Earth Day is Monday!  :)  Here's a fun little FREEBIE for you.  

Be sure to check out these fun Earth Day literacy stations, too!!

Freebie Fridays

...a  little late!

If you teach kindergarten, you don't want to miss this giveaway!
Hillary, over at Rockin' Teacher Materials, is giving away a free pass to attend the I Teach K! kindergarten conference is VEGAS this summer!!  And, you get to bring a friend if you win!  :)
(click the picture to head over to her blog and get yourself entered)

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday