Sunday, April 28, 2013

Happy GLUE Heaven!!

You might be a kindergarten teacher if... 
the mere mention of the word GLUE makes you twitch.

Save your Sanity with this Quick Fix!!

All you need is:
1 medium Sterilite basket
2 small drawer organizers

Easy Peasy...Lemon Elmer's Squeezy!!

I love this system!!
My sweet kinders absolutely LOVE keeping our glue "happy".

Here's a cutie-patootie little label for the front of your "Happy Glue" Basket!!
Just click the picture below to download a copy for yourself.  :)

And, now I want to know how YOU keep glue from threatening your sanity.
Tell me all about it!!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. We don't use glue bottles, we use glue sticks. Everyone has their own glue stick that they keep in their pencil box. My biggest sanity saver is that I keep a box of spare glue stick lids. Without fail, SOMEONE loses their lid. Instead of going on a mad hunt to find it, they simply go to the lid box, get another lid and carry on. When caps are found, they go right into the glue stick lid box. It saves sanity AND glue sticks!

    My Kinder-Garden

  2. Great Idea!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Crystal - We use glue sticks, too. But, glue bottles are on our district supply list - and the kids only bring a few glue sticks. They don't last forever!! So, the glue bottles become a necessary evil. ;) I love your idea about extra glue stick lids. We always save dry erase marker lids...but didn't think to do the same with glue sticks. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your idea!

  4. Love your glue advice and have enjoyed reading your blog tonight! Your newest follower...


  5. I love your glue advice. You know you're a teacher when glue drives you nuts. I'm with you!! :) Great advice!

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