Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Few of my Favorite Blogs

I was pumped when I discovered that Brittany at Lovely Literacy & More posted a "Desire to Inspire" linky party.  The idea is to share your top 3 non-teaching blogs and top 3 teaching blogs.  I have been loving blogs of all kinds for years.  My Google Reader is completely out-of-control!  So out-of-control that, sometimes when I log-on to catch up on blogs, I nearly faint when I see the number of unread posts.  I have a love/hate relationship with the "Mark all as Read" button.  {SIDEBAR:  I'm a procrastinator list-maker...are you? There is something so deeply satisfying about checking-off items on the list.  In fact, I start Every Single List that I make with 2 or 3 tasks that I've already completed.  (Or 8...depending on how much reassurance I need that I actually DO get things done things from time to time - even if it's just things like "brush teeth", "blink", "breathe".  LOL!!)}  So, this "Mark all as Read" button is very tempting to me!  It gives me this false  incredibly appealing sense of accomplishment!!  Anyhoo...

There are SO many incredible blogs out there that it was difficult to choose.  But, here are a few of my faves.  I hope you'll find someone new to follow!!

I *love* me some Katie Bower!!  The girl is hilarious, creative, talented, wise, sweet, and so much fun!  I've followed her blog religiously for years.  She is so real and down-to-earth.  She blogs about parenting, home decor, crafting, thrifting, photography, and her love of bacon!  Check her out!!

Lysa TerKeurst blogs about the blessings and challenges of being a Woman of Faith.  I love reading both her blog and her books.  She is also a regular contributor to K-Love Christian Radio.  She is always open, honest, and encouraging!  I'm reading her book Unglued right now.  It is a very powerful book about how we can make our emotions work for us, instead of against us.  Lysa writes, "God gave us emotions to experience life, not destroy it!"  AMEN, Sista'!!

This blog cracks me up!!  This is the place where Pinterest Fails find their 15 minutes of fame.  :)  Hilarious!!

A Differentiated Kindergarten

I love Marsha's blog!  She has been a treasure trove of inspiration and tips as I begin my kindergarten adventure.  And, I've spent a small fortune in her TPT store.  My kids are addicted to her I Spy activities!!


The Kindergarten Works blog was one of the first that I found when I first decided to make the switch to Kindergarten last year.  I was teaching 5th grade and Leslie's clear, informative posts eased my fears and soon I found myself excited about the change!!  I have been incredibly lucky to win a couple of KW giveaways and have also purchased several products from Leslie's TN store.  My kids absolutely love her PlayDough Word Work Packs!!

Mrs. Wills Kindergarten 

Deedee's blog is a one-stop-shop for teaching and classroom management ideas!  I love that she posts her Visual Lesson Plans each week.  As a new kindergarten teacher, I get so many great ideas and find lots of awesome new products and freebies that I can use in my own lessons.  I also love her monthly writing work stations - with so much to plan each week, I love that my writing center is a cinch!

I'm so excited about this linky party!  I've already found some new blogs to add to my Reader!  Dog Shaming is just one of the new gems I found today.  So funny!!  Can't wait to hear all about YOUR faves!


  1. Congrats Amy on starting your blog and thanks for the shout out. It's neat to hear how far you've come since starting in Kindergarten. You made a big jump and I remember you commenting prior to the switch! Keep us posted and let me know if you ever need anything.
    - Leslie

  2. Welcome to kindergarten! I am glad I have been helpful.. I am going to check out that Dog Shaming site!

  3. Thanks for linking up! I enjoyed checking out all the blogs that inspire you. Boy oh boy did Pinstrosity give me a laugh. Like one of those laughs that you kind of feel bad for the person but it's still pretty funny. My fav was the hair-styles gone wrong. I agree with you on the Dog Shaming blog as well. Puts a smile on my face. I am also digging your teaching blogs. I haven't checked out Kindergarten Works yet but am about to. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

    Lovely Literacy & More

  4. I love, love, love Pinstrosity! It's seriously hysterical. Things always look easier than they end up being, doing they?

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  5. Dog Shaming is my go-to website when I'm having a bad day! It's an instant pick-me-up! And I could most definitely shame my two boys on there… I warn them about it all the time. :)

  6. Great blog suggestions! I didn't know about most of them. I loved the dog shaming one and I've never even had a dog! I have 2 cats that could star in their own site! I was glad you posted Lysa's site. I follower her blog and twitter feed. I love KLove and her site looks like just what I need for spiritual encouragement and support. It's been fun following your blog! You're very entertaining and have great content. The perfect blogging combination!
    Teacher Treasure Hunter

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