Monday, February 18, 2013

The Zombie Apocalypse

What a wild and crazy week it's been....I've never been so happy to have a long weekend.  Can I get a Hallelujah from the chorus?!

This is Son-shine's Valentine box this year.  He wanted a shark and his awesomely crafty grandma helped him make it!!  He insisted that the jaws should say "You're Mine"!!  Such a witty kid!!

My class' Valentine Party took place on Tuesday.  I was really looking forward to it!  Our Halloween and Winter party days went off without a hitch.  I thought, "This is the last party of the year.  No prob...I've totally got this."  But whoa...someone seriously should have warned me about Valentine's Day in Kindergarten.  WOWZA!!!  

I've taught for 10 years - this isn't my first rodeo, people.  
I thought I knew what to expect.
I thought I was prepared.  
I thought I had a PLAN.
I thought it would be a breeze.
I was wrong.
It started out just fine.  Everyone had a box and everyone had valentines to pass out.  I modeled the procedure for passing out valentines by passing out my own to the class.  It seemed simple enough.  I started off real nice and slow by having just one boy and one girl show the class how it's done.  One of the kids asked me to read a name for big deal, right?  It turns out, that was my first clue that things were about to take a turn for the worse.  I should have paid more attention to that clue.  I should have revised my "plan".  Instead, I turned them loose.  

Inside of 12 seconds, it looked like an "end-of-days" zombie apocalypse movie in my classroom.  The room had shifted from quiet, calm, and under control to an all-out, every-man-for-himself, survival-of-the-fittest stampede.  All I could see were streaks of red - red shirts, red skirts, sparkly red shoes, red valentines, red boxes. Kids were taking off in all directions, running into one another, dropping things, tripping over each other, knocking over Valentine boxes, and making more noise than you've ever heard!   Kids were yelling out across the room, "Jaylee - does your name go 'J-o-h-n'?", or  "Where does Ava sit?", followed by "Which Ava?".  And, I must have heard, "Mrs. Swan, what name does this say?" about 492 million times before we were finally done.  

Here are just a few things I learned in Kindergarten on Valentine's Day...
In Kindergarten, decorated shoe boxes are more exciting/distracting than wearing Halloween costumes to school.
In Kindergarten, parents write names in cursive on valentines, thus rendering them indecipherable to a kindergartner.  
In Kindergarten, kids don't know the word "from".  So, they see their own name (i.e. from Susie) on every valentine they brought to school...and proceed to put each one in their own box.  
In Kindergarten, after the kids pass out all the Valentines they brought to share, they will ask tearfully, "But why didn't my mom send one for me?"  
In Kindergarten, kids will try to give back a Valentine to a friend if they don't like the candy attached to it.  
In Kindergarten, it takes a L.O.N.G. time to pass out Valentines.  
In Kindergarten, kids are SO excited and are having such a GREAT time passing out Valentines that they (thankfully) don't notice that the teacher is having a panic attack!

It was crazy-whacko-nuts, I tell ya!!  But those 22 little cherubs honestly had the time of their lives!!  They didn't know what it was supposed to look like (and apparently neither did I!!).  We all just lived in the moment, laughed, and showered each other with love...zombie-apocalypse-style!!  And in the end, I suppose that's what love (and teaching kindergarten) is really all about...

It catches you by surprise.
It turns your world upside down.
It changes your plans.
It makes you laugh when you think you're going to fall apart.
It drives you crazy.
It's a heart-stopping roller coaster ride.
It makes you realize that TOGETHER is a wonderful place to be!

Pinned Image

I went home that day and declared to my (mutually weird) husband, "It's a deal-breaker.  I can't do even ONE MORE Valentine's Day in Kindergarten!"  But, my husband is also a wonderful friend and simply listened as I shared my war story.  As I was describing the events of the day, I found myself smiling and laughing during some of the most crazy/sweet parts.  At the end of our conversation, he put his arm around me, looked me in the eye and said, "You're right...that's a hard day!  (chuckle)  But I know you. Someday you'll look back on your career and remember this day out of all the rest.  Someday, you'll miss days like this."  In that moment, I realized that there is struggle in any worthwhile endeavor.  And there is nothing more worthwhile than children.  So, I've already started thinking of ways to do it better next year!  Any tips for me?  Anyone else ever experience the joy and terror of your very own Zombie-Apocalypse...anyone?  Anyone??  ;)



  1. It's crazy how a party and going out of the routine will get your kiddo all energized! I'm your newest follower, drop by. =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

  2. Your post literally had me laughing out loud, especially your list about what you learned. Hilarious. I teach 1st, and it sounds all too familiar. :) I'm excited to be your newest follower!

    First Grade Fairytales

  3. I know exactly what you seems like Valentine's is a day the kids are more hyped than Christmas! I have decided I am going to ask my kids to not write names on them next year. It takes way too long for them to pass out. This way they can just give one to everybody...

    kelly brown

  4. I totally felt your experience through your writing. Excellent job capturing that moment! I had a similar experience, and it lasted for a couple of days before. I have my kids create their own valentines for everyone. So I set up two centers: writing & crafting. And had to deal with glitter, feathers, ribbons, and little scraps forever. But everyone really like to read everyones little notes to each other.

    - Deirdre aka Evil Math Wizard
    Come visit my blog at Evil Math Wizard.

  5. I totally felt your experience through your writing. Excellent job capturing that moment! I had a similar experience, and it lasted for a couple of days before. I have my kids create their own valentines for everyone. So I set up two centers: writing & crafting. And had to deal with glitter, feathers, ribbons, and little scraps forever. But everyone really like to read everyones little notes to each other.

    - Deirdre aka Evil Math Wizard
    Come visit my blog at Evil Math Wizard.

  6. I just laughed out loud reading this wonderful story! And I am laughing WITH you, not AT you because I have so been there!
    We actually celebrated Valentine's and the 100th day on the SAME day this year - I didn't know whether to panic because it was on the same day or be relieved that it was all over in one day:)

    Teaching in Progress

  7. Hi! I am your newest follower and I love your blog! I would love it if you could check out my blog when you get a chance! :)

    Oh.My.Goodness. You poor thing! I LOVE Valentine's Day, but I do not love chaos!! I also teach half day Kindergarten (which makes squishing in Valentine's Day activiites tough), so my partner teacher and I plan out tons of fun, but controlled fun. LOL!

    Hint #1: We do not have the students/parents write on the TO: part of the Valentine. We don't send home a list of names, even though parents ask for it over and over. :)We just tell them to have their child sign their name.

    Hint #2: We pass out the Valentines one at a time. We each take a child and go around the tables. The other students are sitting with their Valentine holder. It still takes a long time, but we just go around to each table, passing out Valentines.

    Hint #3: The students are waiting pretty patiently during this process because they get their treats AFTER we pass out Valentines!

    Hopefully, these hints will help a little more next year! :)

    Beth :)

  8. P.S.

    We learned these hints through total trial and error!!!! I have been where you were on that Valentine's Day. Your post took me back and couldn't help but laugh. I think we have all been there at one point!

    Beth :)
