I'm so excited to participate in the "Swap 'til You Drop" Product Swap!
The talented and creative Vera of The Tutu Teacher is my partner!!
Vera is reviewing one of my best-sellers...Play Doh Sight Words pack!
I was lucky to be able to go shopping in her store to pick out one of her FAB products to review for you. We are really working hard to increase our decoding skills and fluency with CVC words, so I picked Vera's "Kaboom" Math & Literacy center pack. It has been such a fun way to review CVC words!
I was lucky to be able to go shopping in her store to pick out one of her FAB products to review for you. We are really working hard to increase our decoding skills and fluency with CVC words, so I picked Vera's "Kaboom" Math & Literacy center pack. It has been such a fun way to review CVC words!
Click the picture to find it on TPT!
Here in the midwest, we've had about a million snow/cold days.
So, especially being a 1/2 day kindergarten teacher, I am VERY behind!!
As a result, I couldn't step away from my guided reading groups to snap any pictures of my kids playing Kaboom during centers. So sorry!!
I dug around in my gift bag collection and found this fun little Spiderman bag.
It gave a perfect superhero touch to the game...my boys were HUGE fans!!
Prepping this center is SO simple!! Just print, cut, and toss the cards in a bag!
To play, the kids reach into the bag and pull out a card. If they can read it correctly, they get to keep the card. If they aren't able to read it, they put it back and keep taking turns. If they select one of the KABOOM cards, they have to put all of their cards back into the bag!
I also love that we could do a little word family activity, too!!
I love the way this game just keeps going and going!! It kept my kids engaged all the way through center time and they are begging to play it again!
This center pack includes SO many activities:
Ten Frames
Number Words
Number Recognition
CVC Words
Uppercase & Lowercase Letter Recognition
Sight Words
I will be SO thrilled to have this pack right from the beginning of the year next year!!
For the remainder of this year, it will be a great way to review & reinforce skills in intervention groups. My kids know how to play the game, so any of the skills cards can now be placed in the bag and the kids will know what to do! Win!!
Now, here are the details for the giveaways!
1. Start anywhere on the map below.
2. Stop by each blog and read about the products swapped between each set of bloggers.
3. Enter to win the resources that are featured by each blog pair. Each pair of bloggers has the same raffle, so you only have to enter on one of the two blogs.While you are at each blog, if you are not already a follower, sign on to follow!
4. The raffles are open until midnight March 15th.

Thanks so much for stopping by!!
:) Amy